Friday, April 5, 2013


Well, my little sister is gone. She is in the MTC.  It was very hard saying goodbye to her, especially since I knew that she was still going to be in town, but that it would be the last time I saw her for over 18  months.  Quincy is my little peanut.  My little sweet and innocent, yet oddly inappropriate, and painfully shy little sister.  And now she is in the MTC.  I cannot believe the wonderful, beautiful, woman that she is grown into.  I hate that she is gone.  I mean, I am very proud of her for serving the Lord, don't get me wrong!  But it is much harder to send a girl off than a boy.  You expect the boys to go, and you can tell yourself, "If they weren't going, then I would be much more sad".  But in sending my little sister off, even though I know it is the right thing for her to do, and I know that she will make an amazing impact on the lives of many, for selfish reasons, I wish that she were staying home.  I would feel safer.

I know that it is silly, and I honestly do really support her in going and am so happy for her and all of the lessons that she will learn and how much growth she will get from this whole experience.  I love her, and I know this is the best thing for her. I just need to stop being selfish and wanting to keep her home with me.

Regardless, here is a picture of the sweet little sister that is mine.  I know that she is going to be a wonderful missionary and I cannot wait to see her again in 18 months.

Another thing that happened this past little bit is that Jaceman (my brother in law) left the MTC and is now in Paris!! I cannot wait to hear from him and hear all of his adventures in that beautiful place!

Til next time!

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