Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Our Last Days in South Bend

Well, after being home and visiting family, we were able to go back to South Bend and had 2 days before the big move!  We spent our last few days doing whatever we possibly could to soak it up and enjoy it!  We went miniature golfing, real golfing, out for ice cream, walked around campus, and in our spare time, we packed up our house.  In talking with Zack and with his family, we have been trying to come up with our favorite things about living in Indiana and going to school.  I would have to say that my favorite thing is the way that my relationship has grown with Zack.  I mean, believe me, there were very hard times.  Times when I was so mad because I wasn't able to spend time with him, times when all I wanted to do was go home and be with my parents and siblings, times when I just wanted to cry.  And many, many times, I did cry.  I missed my family so much and felt a little bit stuck out there.  But in the end, it all worked out for the best.  It honestly has brought Zack and I so much closer, and we have really grown into our relationship.  We were watching that new movie Battleship the other night.  Basically Aliens attack the earth, it looks like the earth is going to be overcome and there is no way out, but in the end, humans win and blow up all the aliens.  Zack made a comment to me about the scene when the enemy was finally defeated and the last ship was blowing up.  He said, "Man can you imagine how amazing of a feeling that would be?  I mean, not the whole middle part where you have to fight them and your friends die and you think the whole world is going to be gone, just that feeling right there."  I obviously agreed with him, but then something dawned on me.  That feeling at the end, where the world is saved, wouldn't be nearly as amazing of a feeling if you didn't have that whole hard middle part.  You would just watch something blow up, and it really wouldn't have much meaning to you.  I mean the explosion would be cool to see, but what really would make that feeling so great is the hard part.  I am so happy and grateful for the trials that we faced while in Indiana.  Even though they are hard, they are what made us grow closer together.  Plus, now we have an amazing new adventure!  Ohio here we come baby!!

Our last mini golf session!

Ritters! Our favorite Ice cream place out there!!

Golfing! My first time real golfing with Zack.  Well I didn't golf, I just watched and drove him around, but it was fun together time!

At the 18th hole!  There were severe thunderstorm warnings the whole time! We were so happy that we finished with time to spare before the storm hit!  BTW please disregard my one nasty eye... My allergies were horrible bad!

Zack wanted to remember all of the green there! 

Our last night... all packed up!  So sad!!

Last time in front of the stadium as a student!  So many amazing memories here!

As per ND tradition, Zack had to ring the bell noting that he has a job!  Seriously so  happy that he does have one!

1 comment:

  1. LOVING all the blog posts! You guys are the cutest and I seriously miss you already! :(
