Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ND graduation!

WOW! I cannot believe we are already here.  Our year here at ND is over.  I am so heart broken and excited at the same time!  Being as it was graduation weekend, we had a TON of family in town.  First, On Thursday afternoon, Zacks Grandma and Grandad  showed up.  We took them around town a little bit and then they took us out for dinner!  After dinner we met up with the Bensons and all of us went out to get some ice cream.  It  was so fun to see people and be able to talk and relax and not have Zack worry at all about homework or school.

Friday Zack's family came in and we enjoyed time celebrating my graduation. I felt very special.  I got a BEAUTIFUL bracelet !in a little blue box! from my in-laws.  And some other very sweet gifts from the grand parents.  Then we enjoyed some cake and ice cream all together.  The best graduation gift I could have gotten was the Bensons and the Olsens all there with us.  The only thing that could have made it better was to have my family there as well.    I definitely missed them!

Saturday was the first day of Graduation ceremonies.  The business department walked and he got his diploma- MBA Magna cum Laude.  I am so proud of him and all of his hard work.  We enjoyed a great dinner and evening together again.

Sunday we went to the big overall ceremony with all the undergrads, which was AMAZING by the way.  We besides the KILLER hott weather.  We were roasting.  But it was such a great time.  We then went to church and walked around campus and had an amazing night just hanging out together.

I had to work Monday, so Sunday I had to say goodbye.

It was such an amazing experience to have all of them here.  We have such an amazingly strong support system, and it was just so wonderful to have all of them here.  I already miss those evenings we had just sitting and talking.  I love you all!!

Zack and his good buddy Brian. They did this whole program together and were in our ward. They love each other a lot.

A more normal picture of the two of them

Our best friends out here!  Brian and his wife Carolyn.  So happy we got a picture with them before we all left for the year.
The Bensons!  I am so happy tat they were able to come out and visit and support Zack and I.  We have missed them like CRAZY!!

Zack and I on day 2 of the festivities!

Us with Touch Down Jesus!

Zack and Touch down Jesus with a sweet picture of his Masters hood on the back of his robe!

Zack and his parents.  How I have grown to love my in-laws.  I am so grateful for all they do for us and for the support that we constantly feel from them.  It was so great to have them out here!

The whole Olsen/Caputo clan that came!  Other than Jace, all the family and living grand parents made the trip out.  So incredibly fun to have them all!

ND tradition, you can't walk down these steps til you are graduated.  Here is Zack taking those steps like a champ!

I know that I look high in this picture but it was a random spontaneous moment that Zack kissed me during pictures.  It just showed how excited he was that day and I love it.  The picture is funny, but it reminds me of a great moment.

Day 1 of the festivities, after he got his official diploma!

This is the whole clan that came out for graduation!  It was SO fun to have you all here!!

Right after receiving his diploma! He was so happy!

Zack and his Nana.  So happy she could come out to support us.  Seriously so fun


  1. Congratulations to you both! What an accomplishment for Zack. I'm so happy for you both. You both are incredible. Also, I had no idea about the A&F controversy and I have to say I think you're right and I also think there are more serious issues that people should be focusing on right now more than what type of individuals a brand chooses to target. There are so many brands that target in sexual ways but don't get harped on like A&F. I think they need to worry about things such as the recent shoot-out or the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. I'm glad you're comfortable stating your opinion. I really admire those who are willing to take a stand.

  2. I am so proud of Zack!! That is such an amazing accomplishment and from such an esteemed school as well, what a stud! I can't wait for you both to experience this new step in life. This is what we are all working hard for and you have accomplished that! Lucky Ducks :) PS You have seriously adorable dresses, can I steal them!?

    Miss you!
