Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Our Visit home!

Well after graduation, we had the great opportunity to go home for about 10 days before we moved!  I have to say one thing... I have really got to be better about taking pictures with family.  I don't think I took a single one while I was with them.  The only ones I have, my mother-in-law, Steph sent me from her phone.  So I apologize for that to myself and my future kids and such, because it would be really great to have more pictures.

Well first, we flew into Las Vegas, where my grandpa picked us up and drove us half way to Toquerville.  We spent an amazing week with my family!  We played in the pool and got extremely sun burned, we went on midnight hikes, and we went to the lake where everyone but me, Regan, and my parents go swimmers itch from the lake!!   If you don't know what that is, its basically like chicken pox, only you don't catch them from person to person, you get it from the lake.  So that was pretty miserable for everyone.   But it was definitely like a scene from a movie when everyone got it!  They all were out of the water, Graysen was standing on a picnic table going crazy itching her body like she was on fire.  Then by brother Bo was pacing back and forth looking like he was about to explode trying not to itch.  Cooper was going crazy in the middle of the desert area with a towel over his head, also looking like he was on fire and trying to put it out.  Then Adi and her friend Hannah were just walking all around trying so hard to be tough, but totally burning up with the itch. haha It was really quite funny.  Probably not for all of the itchy people, but it was for Regan and I.

Then we had my brother Bo drive us half way up north to hang out with Zack's family.  Only about an hour into the drive, Bo started throwing up.  I felt so bad!  It was a little bit of a miserable drive for him, but in te end he made it home ok, but I felt so bad for him.  You know, it was funny because during the week, lots of slightly disastrous things happened. Like the swimmers itch and Bo puking. However the great thing is that we still completely loved our time there!  It was just normal family time and I absolutely loved it!

Well once we got up with the Olsen clan, we also had a blast!  We had the family all over to celebrate that we are in town, we went and had like the best time ever going miniature golfing and then playing in the arcade area!  I mean unfortunately, I lost at mini golf, so then I had to go buy everyone ice cream.  But it was yummy and fun to go out with the family, so it was ok!

We also saw some of our good friends, the Hills which was fun and went to watch Kaden play baseball and did some shopping and went out to Spaghetti Factory, obviously, I mean thats like a tradition.

Well Long story short, it was an amazing time, and we were so happy to have some great family time before our big move!

Here are some pictures!  Enjoy!

I went running with our dog Maggie... she is the best running partner!  I love her so much!

I FINALLY rode the horses at Zack's house!! So fun!

Bensons actually ended up being up in Northern Utah that weekend and we were so lucky that they came and visited us!  The WHOLE family this time! yay!!

Our friends the Hills.. So good to see them again!

Zack playing on the old stomping grounds again...  It was cute to watch him be so excited out there!

Sharing a yummy strawberry daiquiri!   YUMMY!!!

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