Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day!

Well, it is Father's Day.what a wonderful day to celebrate!  It is hard not to be able to see our dads on this day, but I can at least write a little tribute to them.  Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there!Especially my Dad and Father-in-law, but most importantly, my husband.  I know that he technically isn't a dad yet, but he is the father of my future children.  Plus of course the Benson kids.  I could not be more grateful for the concept of Eternal Families and the fact that I know that my Dad, father-in-law, and husband will always be a part of my life and that I will never have to say goodbye to them forever. 

To learn more about Eternal Families and my beliefs visit

I have posted a few pictures of our dads with some thoughts about each.  Hope you enjoy!  Happy Father's Day!

Our Wedding day, obviously.  It is so funny how when you first get married, everything is just so simple.  I looked so outwardly happy! I know that I am still this happy, but because I have gotten used to this man being by my side, sometimes I don't remember to show how happy it makes me.  Looking at this picture makes me remember how lucky I am to have the man of my dreams as my husband, the father of my future children.  I know that we will be parents one day, and until then, I am happy to hog my husband all to  myself!!
This is my favorite.  At my wedding, I swear my dad pretended to be a pimp.  He wore that sweet pimp hat and during this dance he stuffed cash into my bra to help us pay for our honeymoon sweet.  I could not be more grateful for the man who gave me life and is always there to help me out, my daddy, pops, or father. I call him all of those names, and he lives up to all of them. I love his silliness and his love and excitement for life.
So, at my wedding, my dad didn't do the whole crying thing.  In fact, I wanted to have like a tear jerking father daughter dance, but like I just said, he wore a pimp hat and put money in my bra.  I honestly don't think I realized how grateful I was for my dad until I saw this picture.  It is so perfect.  He is always there to make a joke of things and lighten the mood, but he also appreciates special moments.  My dad didn't cry at my wedding, he rejoiced.  I am so grateful for his complete love for me and his happiness for my finding my eternal companion.  He knew that Zack was (and still is and always will be) perfect for me, so he rejoiced in my joy.  My dad freaking rocks.
I couldn't talk about Fathers Day without talking about my awesome father-in-law.  When I first met him, I was VERY intimidated.  He was a little quiet, and the first real conversation that we had, he made me cry. (let me clarify, it was a good thing! he was just gearing me up for married life and it was the perfect reality check for me).  At first I loved Mike because of the love he has for Zack.  For the relationship that he forged with my husband and for raising my husband to be who he is.  However over the past few years I have come to really love this man for who he is.  He is strong, tough, spiritual, hard working, stern, just basically an all around cowboy.  But you put little kids around him, and a whole new side reveals itself.  He is tender and loving and kind.  He loves to show children the horses and is so incredibly sweet with them.  He truly cares about everything that he does.  I'm not sure he would approve of me publishing his soft side on the internet, but both of those sides together make him an amazing father and father-in-law.  I am grateful that he is a part of my family now.         

1 comment:

  1. That's sweet! I especially love the comment about your dad acting like a pimp at your wedding and stuffing money in your bra...Ha Ha!
