Monday, August 6, 2012

Visit from the Bensons!!

What an amazing week!!!  I had the week off of work, Zack had an easier week of school, and... drumroll please..... THE BENSONS CAME!  Well, most of them.  Mike and Truman were spending some much needed father son time, but Debi, Tatum, and Talmage came and stayed with us for an entire week!! I seriously cannot describe how much fun that was for us!  It was a lot of work, having 5 people living with 1 bathroom, 2 small bedrooms, and a tiny rest of the house, but man oh man was it worth it! 

On the way to the airport, we saw a plane land, which might have been theirs.  I was so excited for them to land that I may or may not have rolled down the car window and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Hello Debi! Hello Tatum! Hello Talmage!!!".  I may have, or I may not have.  I will let you decide what you think.

The first day they got here late in the evening so after they got here we got them all settled in their little room and basically put them to bed.  The next day, we all slept... a LOT! I was so happy to have some sleep that day and get some rest to gear up for the rest of the week!  I would go into details about all the crazy fun things we did, but honestly, I'm not sure it would sound all that fun to anyone but us.  We went to a soft ball game of Zack's, we went to the pool, out to dinner, out for ice cream, cleaned/re-finished my couches, and just enjoyed each other.  I know that might not sound like a crazy fun week, but man oh man, I cannot tell you how much I absolutely enjoyed it.  I honestly don't know if I can express how much this sweet family means to Zack and I.  We have been with them since Talmage was 3 months old.  They have taught us so much about parenthood and relationships and how to overcome obstacles.  They have helped both Zack and I mature and treat each other more fairly and overcome those little petty immature arguments.  These kids quickly stole our hearts and then we grew closer to their amazing parents.  If it weren't for them, we would not even be attending school at Notre Dame.  They have believed us and pushed us forward and inspired us to become something more than we had originally planned.  However, even more than that, they have become our best friends.  It was such an amazing week that I cannot even describe.  I took lots of video, but for some reason all of my videos from my phone, no matter what way they were filmed, are loading side ways.  There is one below that you can watch because it was too good to leave out, but here are some pictures! Please note that Tatum took over 100 pictures on my phone of herself.  I believe that when she did this she got crap on my lens.  Because of that, Hardly any pictures that I took turned out until I figured it out and cleaned it off.  I know it looks like we love Talmage more, but it is absolutely not true! We love all of our kids the same! We just have more pictures that turned out with Talmage in them.  Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that's so fun that they were able to come visit you guys. I'm glad to hear you are doing well!!
